【Du Huan, Tamsui Campus Report】The 2014-15 name list for Excellent Research Planning has been released. The Office of Research and Development has calculated that 72 professors have been awarded grants for their research achievements including 10 professors of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering, totalling to an amount of 5 million NT; 11 professors of the Department of Mechanical and Electromechanical Engineering, amounting to 3-5 million NT; 37 professors of the Department of Chemistry, amounting to 1-3 million NT and 14 professors of the Department of Political Finance, amounting to 2.5 million NT. On Jan. 27 a ceremony will be held to honor these magnificent achievements and encourage further research. (See link for more information: http://tkutimes.tku.edu.tw/)
UPDATE: 2016/01/19