NO. 989

TKU Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle

【Du Huan, Tamsui Campus Report】Last week the Sanitation and Fitness Division held an event for 4 days at the Black Swan Exhibition Hall in promotion of healthy living and the “Movie Enthusiasts” and “More Fruit” activities received great support. The event lasted from Dec. 28-31 and people vigorously crowded the area to partake in and encourage a fitter lifestyle on campus. The event informed spectators that people need an average of two pieces of fruit a day for healthy living.

The event also informed participants of the symptoms of harmful diseases such as HIV. The activity played the oscar winning film, “The Dallas Buyers Club” starring Matthew Mcconaughey, that artfully gives more insight on people who are HIV positive. Director of the Sanitation and Fitness Division, Ching-yu Chiu, expressed, “People between 15 and 22 are the at most risk for contracting the HIV virus. It’s important that they are cautious and use condoms when engaging in sexual activity.” Chiu added, “Eating healthy and practicing safe habits are the key to avoiding and resolving many health issues. I hope that after seeing the film, there will be more knowledge on the subject.”


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