NO. 983

TKU Receive’s AACSB Pre-accreditation

【Zhao-yu Chen, Tamsui Campus Report】On Nov. 11 the College of Business and Management successfully received the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business’s (AACSB) Pre-accreditation and has entered into the two year program to obtain the Standard Level Accreditation. Executive Director of the Business Management AACSB Office, Ku-jun Lin, expressed, “The motto for this plan is making what’s impossible, possible. Applying for the AACSB certification will be a great opportunity for us. It will really put us on the international track while giving us a more competitive edge in the world of higher learning.

Ku-jun Lin described that the plan will improve our university’s ability on an international level, increase the number of international students, modify internet capabilities, assist with enrollment, create a new teaching platform and improve relations and effectiveness of alumni operations.


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