【Jia-ling Liu, Lanyang Campus】Lanyang Campus held the, “Teacher Student Volleyball Competition,” for the 65th university anniversary on Nov. 7. The fierce battle commenced in the Shao-mo Memorial Activity Center. Federation Coach and Director of Tourism Management, Chien-mu Yeh and Physical Fitness Section Speaker, Ting-chun Pan, won the championship; the Department of Tourism Management received 2nd place; and the Department of Political Economics received third place.
In the men’s division of the 3 on 3 matches, the Department of Innovative Information and Technology won the championship, 2nd place was awarded to “Delayed Students”; and third place was given to the Department of Languages and Literature. The women’s heat was won by the Division of Software Engineering, second place went to the Department of Political Economics and third place was taken by the Department of Tourism Management.
The day of the contest, the activity center was flooded with life. In addition to student performances there were vendors representing welfare and charity groups. Second year student of the Department of Political Economics, Yuan-yan Luo, expressed, “In this year’s celebration, the international students sold a lot of food. It gave everyone a chance to enjoy different cuisines.”
UPDATE: 2015/11/20
CLICKS: 1045