The latest results of the July 2015 Webometrics Rankings of World Universities (WRWU) survey have been revealed, ranking Tamkang University at 478th in the world, 9th of all universities in Taiwan and 1st among 500 private universities in Taiwan. The internet search survey was based on 4 different categories including Presence, Impact, Openness and Excellence. TKU was placed at 815th in Presence, 370th in Impact, 202nd in Openness and 877th in Excellence.
According the the information on the WRWU website ( , rankings were made based on how often a university name was searched for on the most popular search databases including Google, Google Scholar, Yahoo, Live Search and Alexa. The data of this survey was collected from January to July of this year. Even though TKU’s ranking has dropped from last year’s 426th to 478th place internationally, it has moved from 10th place to 9th place in Taiwan. The category of Impact has also improved from 574th place to 307th place, Openness has jumped from 368th place to 202nd place, Excellence has grown from 996th place to 877th place, however Presence has dropped from 111th place to 815th.
Picture: Tamkang University was is as the 478th university in the world for online searching according to WRWU. (Data and Chart source WRWU/Tamkang Times)
UPDATE: 2015/08/25
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