【Yu-xuan Li, Tamsui Campus Report】On May 8th the Office of Student Affairs will be holding the Ministry of Education’s 2015 Cultivation and Training of Good Conduct Conference. In attendance will be President Flora Chia-I Chang and Dean of Academic Affairs, Chih-en Ko. There will be an exchange to share achievements related to student conduct with National Taiwan Ocean University and Ming Chuan University. Afterwards, participants will be able to tour campus to see many of the other student accomplishments. Organizer of the event, Ruey-er Chen, expressed, “I’m very honored to be able to hold this conference. Tamkang University has always been very proactive in terms of cultivating good conduct in students as well as academic accomplishments, which has been recognized by the Ministry of Education with many awards. Students who are interested, please feel free to register.” (register at link http://enroll.tku.edu.tw/)
UPDATE: 2015/05/08