【Zhao-yu Chen, Tamsui Campus Report】The Colleges of Business and Management, Engineering and Liberal Arts, cooperated with ERP to promote the Bachelor Level Information Career Application Curriculum on May 4th for senior students in the Department of Business and Management, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, and the Department of Information and Library Science, attracting a total of 150 students. The event was hosted by Dean of the College of Business and Management, Chien-liang Chiu, Dean of the College of Engineering, Chii-dong Ho and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Sinn-cheng Lin.
Chien-liang Chiu expressed, “It’s essential for students to have work related skills that shows them how to work in a professional environment, how to work on a team and how to use effective problem solving skills to meet objectives.” Chii-dong Ho, stated, “The opportunity to do an academic industry internship is really something students need to take advantage of for their future. It lets them utilize their academic knowledge in a real life setting.” During the assembly, General Manager of ERP, Jing-yi Wang, described the internship program and the details that it entailed. A participant in the program last year and four year student of the Department of Finance, Meng-xuan Deng, stated, “The skills and experience you get from the internship is something that will leave a deep impression on you for a lifetime. You get a better feel of how to communicate and what the work force really entails.” (For more information on the internship see link http://enroll.tku.edu.tw or Yi-xuan Li for assistance ext. 2645.)
UPDATE: 2015/05/08