【Reported by Jia-lin He, Tamsui Campus】Tamkang University’s Chemistry Mobile made an appearance at An kang High School for a press conference held in cooperation with DaAi TV on April 23rd. The event included around 80 people and was hosted by Dean of the College of Science Bo-chang Wang, Supervisor of DaAi TV, Jian-ming Tang, and Editor of Yuan-Liou Publishing Co.,Ltd, Jung-pei Pang.
Bo-wang Chang expressed, “In the future the patrols and performances of the Chemistry Mobile will be captured on video, using the media as a platform to promote and share their great experiments and important research with all of Taiwan.” The event allowed students to interact and learn science in a creative way. Supervisor of the Chemistry Mobile, Xuan-zhang Gao, expressed, “Even though the mobility of the Chemistry Mobile has proven to be effective, it’s still limited to only teaching to one school at a time. With the help of TV and magazines, the knowledge of the Chemistry Mobile will have no limitations as to who it could reach.” The Chemistry Mobile has been travelling around Taiwan nonstop since 2011. It has already made 186 stops under the assistance of the New Taipei City government.
UPDATE: 2015/05/05