【Tamkang Times】On March 18th the College of International Studies will officially be opening the Eastern Alliance Research Center. Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, Ambassador of Indonesia in Taiwan, Arief Fadillah and former Diplomat, Ying-mao Kau, are expected to participate in the opening ceremony. The center will be run by Associate Professor of the Graduate Institute of Asian Studies, Juo-yu Lin, who expressed, “The Graduate Institute of Southeastern Asian Studies was founded in 1996. We have specialists from 10 different countries. This research center will be of great assistance regarding many of our policies to the south by helping the government analyze diplomatic information.” The Eastern Alliance Research Center and Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee will be jointly holding the 2015 Pacific Industry Forum and the forum for the Development of Eastern Economics and the Impact it has on the Pacific region. (Everyone is welcome to sign up at link :http://enroll.tku.edu.tw/course.aspx?cid=tku20150318)
UPDATE: 2015/03/24