【Reported by Qi-zhuo, Tamkang Times】Tamkang University’s Boy Scout Team celebrates their 40th birthday this year! Starting from the 15th at the University Commons and the 16th at the Black Swan Exhibition Hall, there will be a 6 day Scout PaPa exhibition event. In addition, elementary and junior high boy scouts from the northern region of Taiwan and Tokyo Japan will join together for an overseas celebration.
President Flora Chia-I Chang cut the ribbon for the official opening ceremony of the Scout Papa exhibition at noon on December 16th. The display is a collection of the most special, unique and memorable photos and items to give outsiders a close look into some of the magnificent adventures of the boy scouts’ travels. Organizer of the display and Alumni of the Department of Business Administration, Ji-jing Chen, stated, “Different world’s can be tightly knitted together through the assistance of the internet. That is the reason we are able to put together so many different scout teams for a single event. This really shows the power of social media.”
Through a vigorous effort, the boy scout teams were able to put together a special exhibition that was 20 meters long, 13 meters wide and 7 meters high. To welcome the scout troop’s 40th year, the display was topped off with lights that were made into the shape of the number 40. Director of the TKU Boy Scout Troop, Wen-chih Huang, expressed, “All of the items and resources were donated by boy scout alumni, I hope everyone can appreciate the combined efforts of everyone involved in this event.”
UPDATE: 2014/12/25