Renowned Taiwanese marathon runner, Kevin Lin, was invited to give a lecture themed, “The New World and New Limitations: How do you know what you can do if you don’t do it?” The speech attracted 130 students and emphasized the importance of being driven, chasing your dreams and overcoming challenges. Kevin Lin stated, “It’s not just about running, it’s about following through to your dreams. This refers to exercise, career and everything you encounter in life. Prepare as much as possible and when it’s time to perform, there will be no regrets.”
Kevin Lin explained that many of the challenges are not pleasant, but they are necessary to find the courage to overcome. He even took the time to share and analyze the low points of his career, being injured. Kevin finished by giving exercise tips, recommendations on shoes and clothing and ways to prevent injury. Third-year student from the Department of History, En-hao Ye, stated, “I’ve always been able to give myself challenges for exercise because I love running much like Kevin Lin. However, I never thought about it in terms of overcoming other obstacles in my life. It was a great to learn from his experience.” (Article written by Shi-qing Huang, photograph provided by Runner)
UPDATE: 2014/12/16