【Reported by Guo-zhen Wu, Tamkang Times】On December 28th the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering held the Body Area Network Forum and invited Professors from Tohoku University of Japan, Qiang Chen and Qiao-wei Yuan to share their professional experience. There were over 50 teachers and students in attendance that came to listen to the lecture on wireless battery charger applications.
Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yang-han Lee, stated, “Tohoku University’s is exceptional in the area of utilizing practical knowledge and its life application. For this reason, I’ve invited two specialists that could share their experience involving practical electrical and computer engineering. I hope this opportunity will give the students an international perception by learning the specialities of a university from overseas.”
The speakers presented their experience and detailed how much of the research is used in their own lives. Qiang-chen explained millimeter waves and how they are used for security inspections at airports or to rescue people from a fire. Qiao-wei Yuan explained the technology of the wireless battery charger and how it affects the future of all electrical power sources.
UPDATE: 2014/12/16