【Reported by Qi Zhuo, Tamkang Times】In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s promotion of “University and High School Cooperation Plan” and the “Sharing of Educational Resources Plan”, on June 18th New Taipei City’s Jin He, Yong He, Zhu Yuan and Yong Chun High schools held a ceremony symbolizing the signing of the official agreement of cooperation with President Flora Chia-I Chang.
President Chang stated, “I’m very pleased to welcome these four high schools into the family of TKU. In the future Jin He, Yong He, Zhu Yuan and Yong Chun High School will share a very close relationship through this strategic alliance. Through sharing resources we will have a stable method of growth that will benefit all of our students. In the future this project will also hold an emphasis on second language study for both students and teachers that will allow for us to become more internationalized.”
Representatives from the four high schools expressed their whole-hearted gratitude. The Principle of Yong Chuan High School, Tian-cai Wang, expressed during his speech, “In the past TKU has provided excellent resources in both language and science. Being able to sign this agreement today will definitely deepen the essence of our relationship.”
UPDATE: 2014/08/21