NO. 933

The 2014 Foundation of Pacific Basin Financial Research and Development Conference Takes Place

【Reported by Xue-yi Wu, Tamkang Times】On May 18th the Department of Banking and Finance in cooperation with the Cross-Strait Financial Research Center held the “2014 Foundation of Pacific Basin Financial Research and Development Conference.” The event was hosted by Dean of the College of Business and Management, Chien-liang Chiu, and President of Anhui University Of Finance & Economics, Zhongming Ding.

Chien-liang Chiu expressed, “Tamkang University puts emphasis on the importance of the relationships involving Cross-Strait affairs. The theme of this conference is aimed at the direction of future development.” Zhongming Ding stated, “Not only will this conference raise the quality of our academic curriculum, but it will also allow us to share and compare vital financial knowledge. Member of the Academia Sinica, Sheng-cheng Hu, gave a lecture on the financial development of the Cross-Straits and its affect on Taiwan. He expressed that currently there are new challenges to overcome and that financial competition has taken new shapes.


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