An International Symposium on American Values sponsored by TKU Institute of International Studies will be held on the 5th Floor of Taipei TKU Alumni/ae House on Monday (June 17). The topic of the conference covers a variety of themes: “The Influence of the U.S. Value System on Taiwan”, “American Values and American Society” and “The U.S. Values vs. Terrorism”.
According to Prof. Chen I-hsin, Director, Institute of American Studies, attending this conference will be many distinguished scholars from abroad, such as the U.S., Hong Kong and the Philippines, as well as those from Taiwan, including NTU, Cheng Ta (Political), Tamkang and the Chinese Culture.
The highlight of the conference will be a book presentation ceremony wherein a total of 600 gift books are to be presented by Miss Judith Mudd Krijgelmans, Director of the Culture Center, American Institute in Taiwan, to Pres. Chang Horng-jinh of TKU.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1389