Professor from the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Low Sow Kuan, came to Tamkang University for a visit on March 19th and brought 63 teachers and students to observe the Intelligent Automation and Robotics Center, Department of Aerospace Engineering, and the Chinese Palace-style Classrooms. Professor Low Sow Kuan stated, “Our students are from different places all over the world. We hope to be able to raise their horizons by showing them other countries and letting them prepare for the future.
The guests from Nanyang Technological University observed the robotics center quite diligently. They closely observed the details and functions of each particular device. They were pleased to see that the Aerospace Engineering exhibit had written descriptions of all of the innovations and designs. Dean of the College of Engineering, Chii-dong Ho, stated, “In the future we will have more exchanges with both Nanyang Technological University and Universities in Japan. I hope that our robotics center will also have the opportunity to learn ideas and schematics of other countries.” (Written by Xue-yi Yu, Picture taken by Guang-qun Luo)
UPDATE: 2014/03/28
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