【Reported by An-jia Chen, Tamkang Times】Professor Sarah Michelle Lee, from the Singapore Polytechnic Design University, brought 18 students to visit Tamkang University’s Department of Information and Communication for an exchange on February 17th. It was a great display of TKU’s international education system as the students from both universities engaged in an enthusiastic discussion. This event was planned by professor of the Department of Information and Communication, Chih-I Lai.
During the conference the two universities shared their curriculum designs and university products as they had an opportunity to learn the cultural differences and teaching methods of a different country. They absorbed an abundance of information and experience from each other that will definitely be beneficial to the development of both schools.
The Dean of the Department of Information and Communication, Chien-yu Sun, personally took the honored guests on a tour of Tamkang University Campus. Chien-yu Sun expressed that he was honored to have an opportunity to meet with international friends. He stated, “It’s always such an eye-opening experience to see the educational system of another country. There is so much knowledge that can be obtained from each other in these friendly visits. I really hope to be able to meet with Sarah Michelle Lee again soon so that we may strengthen the relationship between our two universities. First-year student of the Department of Information and Communication, Bo-kai Xu, stated, “I found when speaking English to the students from Singapore that my English communication skills are kind of poor. I think it is important for the youth in Taiwan to really develop better international communication skills. In the future I will really work on my language skills in order to improve my ability to communicate internationally.”
UPDATE: 2014/03/04
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