【Reported by Jia-wen Lin, Tamkang Times】On February 7th President Ma Ying Jiu gave praise to former professor of the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Hsien-chung Niu, on the tenth anniversary of his passing. Dean of the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Ming-hsien Wong, stated, “Not only was Hsien-chung Niu the number one strategic researcher in the Cross-Strait region, he was also an iconic author. He brought honor to himself and to this university as well.
Professor Hsien-chung Niu began working at TKU in 1979 and continued his services for the next 23 years. He created new limits in the field of strategic research and cultivated countless students that have had a major impact in the realm of strategic studies. His writings have been preserved and cherished in the Academia Historia, giving people a chance to have a deeper and more thorough understanding of his research. Professer Ming-hsien Wong also mentioned that Hsien-chung Niu’s writings have over a million words that strategic researchers are still learning from today.
UPDATE: 2014/03/04
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