【Reported by Hao-pin Lin, Xue-yi Wu, Jia-wen Lin, Tamkang Times】In the year 2014 the College of International Studies will be initiating “The English Master Program in Taiwan“, which includes a new program in the Department of Information and Engineering, as well as the Department of History.
The College of International Studies has already begun enrolling students for “The English Master Program in Taiwan”. This is a curriculum focused on Politics, Social Studies, Culture and Economics, that will prepare students for careers in international industries. The Vice President of International Affairs and the Dean of the College of International Studies, Wan-chin Tai, explained that this 2 year program offers 24 credits and will be completely instructed in English.
This master’s program offered by the Information and Engineering Department will be available for both Taiwanese and international students. Students interested in overseas business and international enterprise should have the highest interest in this new program, as it offers ample opportunities for them to raise their international capabilities. In addition, two students will be awarded a 2-year scholarship for this program.
In 2014 the Master’s Program of History will be added, which emphasizes the social studies of Taiwan as it is affected by globalization. The Master’s Program of History has an abundant curriculum including Taiwanese Environmental and Historical Research as well as the Study of Historical Population. The curriculum combines the study of traditions and history with sociological research that displays the development of Taiwan internationally. For enrollment information visit the website.(http://www.acad.tku.edu.tw/AS/news/news.php?class=104)
UPDATE: 2013/12/04