NO. 519


A total of 4,154 students took part in the freshmen’s English test held on Nov. 2. The result of test averaged 45.03 points. A total of 294 students were absent from the test, representing 6.6 percent of absent rate. Teachers will let students know their scores at class respectively.

As to the performance, students of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature were better than that of Colleges of Sciences and Engineering. The result of College of Foreign Languages and Literature averaged 51.05 percent, up 6.02 percent from the total average of 45.03 percent. The test results of students of Colleges of Education, Business, Liberal Arts and Management averaged 48.51 percent, 48.35 percent, 47.64 percent and 47 percent, respectively, indicating all higher than the total average of 45.03 percent. Those results lower than that of total average was students of College of Sciences, Engineering, and Extensional Bachelor’s programs. They averaged 36.79 percent, 41.46 percent and 37.53 percent, respectively. Of which, the Statistics extensional bachelor’s program averaged 30.1 percent, the lowest among all the school.

According to Department of English, eight students could not be counted their test results resulting from filling in wrong numbers on examination card and answering the questions with pencil. The problem has been resolved by manual operation. In addition, the results may have some error because the zero results of students absent from attending the test have included in the total averaging points. It will deduct the results of student absent from the test from the total averaging points.

Hsu Hsiu-huang, Chief of the Curriculum Section, Office of Academic Affairs said no important fault was found but too many students were absent from the test. She attributed the absence to students’ sleeping away the examination time and were excluded from the test site because he or she failed to appear at the test site within 20 minutes after the test began.

Students believed that the examination questions were moderate but too long for them to make double check. Chiang Yu-jung, a sophomore from Department of English, said the items of questions were too many and too long that might not test students’ ability in English.

Tai Liang-ming, a freshman of Department of Mathematics, said that the examination questions are not so difficulty. The test was a must as it would positively help students.

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