NO. 837

The Private University Development Initiative

In the Ministry of Education’s ‘Private University Development Initiative’, TKU again came first among private universities in the “comprehensive university” category, receiving a reward subsidy of over NT $110 million.

Overall, however, the grant apportioned to Tamkang this year was over $10 million less than that of last year, and was the fifth largest grant among Taiwanese private universities, behind Feng Chia University, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chang Gung University and Yuan Ze University.

The TKU Chief Audit Executive, Dr. Ti-ching Pai, explained that due to differences in each of the categories, the evaluation criteria used by the Ministry of Education varies greatly and the MOE does not reveal the standards upon which it apportions funds. “However, we will do our best to understand the related information that’s made public to try and increase our share of the subsidy in future years”, he added.

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