NO. 811

Changes to TKU Regulations

TKU has recently amended a portion of its school regulations.

The amendments include changes to rules concerning the successful completion of TKU compulsory courses.

Also, students taking TKU entrance exams – who in the past had to do so at one of TKU’s campuses – will in future be able to sit the entrance exam at any of TKU’s sister schools, or at universities that have signed academic partnership agreements with TKU.

The criteria for satisfying TKU’s English proficiency requirements have also changed. The course “English Tutorial” has been added to the list of criteria that students must complete prior to graduation.

In addition, stipulations for cross-discipline credit programs have been modified. The changes include: clearer rules outlining the minimum number of credit points required to complete bachelor and master programs; master’s courses must now be worth at least 12 credit points each; and students must attain at least 6 credit points from compulsory courses offered by academic departments other than that in which they are enrolled.

Changes have also been made to the way in which certain groups of people apply for study at TKU. In the past, female applicants nursing infants under the age of three, who successfully passed the TKU entrance examination but could not commence studies due to maternal obligations, would automatically forgo the right to study at TKU. This has changed. In future, such applicants who obtain certified proof of their situation may apply to the TKU Office of Academic Affairs to hold their place for one academic year. If the application is approved, applicants are not required to render tuition fees for the period in which their position is being retained.

Modifications were also made to the requirements necessary for early graduation.

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