On the 22nd of December, delegates from Tohoku University’s Center for the Advancement of Higher Education (CAHE) arrived at Tamkang’s Tamsui Campus. They came to take part in discussions on the examination system adopted by TKU’s graduate institutes. In attendance from Tamkang was the TKU Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Wan-chin Tai, the Secretary-General of the TKU Office of the Secretariate, Dr. Ting-chi Hsu, and the Director of the Office of International Exchange and International Education, Dr. Pei-Wha CHI LEE.
During the forum, Prof. Mitsuo Ishii of the CAHE explained that from 1990 onward a new trend began to emerge in Japan’s system of education. The numbers of students entering graduate institutes rose sharply, and the system of admitting students grew in complexity. Therefore, one of the purposes of the delegation’s visit to TKU was to observe and understand the process of admitting students adopted by local Taiwanese graduate institutes. During the discussions, Dr. Wan-chin Tai shared with the visitors TKU’s experience in graduate student admission. He emphasized that all students and teachers accepted into Tamkang’s graduate schools must first undergo a stringent series of examinations, information checks, and interviews.
He added that partly due to this rigorous process of admission, TKU graduate students have been consistently voted by Taiwanese employers as the most outstanding graduate students among private university students in Taiwan.
UPDATE: 2011/01/11
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