For two weeks this month, from Dec. 10-24, the TKU Graduate Institute of the Americas is set to stage a lecture tribute to the 2010 Nobel Prize laureate, Mario Vergas Llosa, and a book display that will showcase the works of six past Latin American Nobel Prize winners and that of Ruben Dario.
The event opening ceremony will take place on the morning of the 10th, and will attract various diplomats and ambassadors from Central and South America. After the ceremony, there will be a cocktail party, and students will be able to sample South American cocktails, such as Peruvian pisco sour.
The director of the hosting graduate institute, Lucy Chen, explained that they chose to hold the opening ceremony on the 10th because Llosa would be receiving the Nobel Prize in a major ceremony in Stockholm on the 10th. She also pointed out that Llosa visited Tamkang 20 years ago, and that the pictures taken of him during his visit would also be on display during the upcoming exhibition.
During the event, a series of lectures will be held, with the keynote lecture scheduled for the afternoon of the 10th to be given by publisher Lin Zai-jue, on the topic “Why Mario Vergas Llosa?”
UPDATE: 2010/12/15
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