2010 Academic Year Funding Research Project for Industry-Academic Cooperation in Techniques and Knowledge Application offered by National Science Council is open for application from now to July 25. In order to assist TKU teachers to apply for the project successfully and increase the applying rate, Office of Research and Development held a briefing on this project at I501 on June 11, inviting Dr. Kang Shung-wen, Dean, Office of Research and Development, to share some tips of writing project proposal and the things that should be noticed during the applying process. About 33 teachers and company representatives of TKU Cham Pion Incubation Center attended the meeting.
The teachers who took part in the briefing interacted a lot with the presenter and the other participants. They indicates that they hope to find more research resource through industry-academic cooperation and the grant offered by National Science Council. Dr. Kang points out that the difference between this project and the other ones is that the passing rate of the former is much higher than that of the latter. In addition, the applying of the two kinds of projects is not contradictory. Dr. Lin Sinn-cheng, Dept. of Information and Library Science, said that he did not know how to apply for this kind of project for lack of experience, and now he knows the process and the methods after the briefing, so he will consider applying the Project in the future.
To encourage teachers to apply for the Project, Dr. Kang also provided some related evaluation information and his own project proposal as references. “This project is a great opportunity for teachers to expand their research,” said Dr. Kang. He reminded the teachers who want to apply for this Project to complete the applying process on the website of National Science Council(http://web.nsc.gov.tw/) before due date.
Moreover, Office of Research and Development and Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development co-held a meeting to promote industry-academic cooperation and technology intermediaries at Taipei Campus on June 19, 1 p.m., inviting Dr. Do Trong-ming, Professor from Dept. of Chemical and Material Engineering and other professors to present their research results and the new techniques to alumni’s companies, and then seek for a cooperation chance with them. ( ~Shu-chun Yen )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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