NO. 783


Information Processing Center (IPC) has created an “E-portfolia” website with personalized layout design for students. The students can use the website to digitalized their records of learning process, so that they can monitor their own progresses in self-expression and ability while they are at school, and utilize their detailed personal info when they apply for advanced studies or jobs.

All TKU students and graduates are allowed to access to the website at Lee Shu-hua, Section Chief of Digital Design Section, IPC, indicates that recording the portfolios of students’ learning to help them plan their placement and career has been one of the aims of various universities. To meet the graduates’ future need, TKU alumni can use the e-portfolio website to update their experience and further learning.

The contents of e-portfolio include “Learning Process,” “Digital Resume,” “Curriculum Map,” “Core Abilities Index,” and “Photo Album.” The “Learning Process” section has incorporated the “learning process files” created by Office of Student Affairs since 2008 academic year, which include the records in attending lecture, training, volunteer service, student club activities, and in winning rewards or penalties, with the new personalized functions. With the new functions, students can manage and create their personal information, including curriculum, class achievements, assignments, notes, collection of works, and certificates of various performances in or outside of school.

The “Digital Resume” function may convert the digital records into hard copy resume or web-pages for practical uses. There are 12 layouts for the web-pages. Students can post their ideas or record of their experiences onto the website to share with others.

As for the “Curriculum Map” and “Core Abilities Index” sections, the school is working on setting a school curriculum map system for students to spot the degree of achievement in curriculum and core abilities, so that they can make adjustment for future placement. This website is also offered function of searching info from other TKU office or department websites.

One month after the completion of this system, the use rate of some departments have reached 100%. Ku Chieh-hsin, second year graduate student of master program in Dept. of Educational Technology, remarks that “this system is very convenient, if I could use it when I was in my undergraduate years, it would be easier for me to prepare for applying for recommendation program. Besides, with the categorized sections, I will not neglect to record certain necessary details of my experiences. It also help me to pay attention to certain empty section, which I need to improve myself.”

The Center plan to offer the “Teacher’s ePortfolio” system next year to organize teachers’ records of experiences, publications, awards, and research achievements. It will be convenient for searching and communication. ( ~Chen Chi-szu )

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