The result of “2010 Survey of 1000 Entrepreneurs’ Favorite Graduates,” done by Cheer magazine, was announced. TKU has been ranked as No. 1 among private universities for the 13th time. The good news was also in the cover story of YAHOO News.
Founder Clement Chang remarks that to win continuously for 13 years is an indication of real strength, and it is also the fruit of joint efforts by all teachers and staffs, and we shall keep on working to preserve such a honor. Facing to the high competition in the tendency of reducing birth-rate, recruitment is not easy. Though the former honors afford TKU superiority to other private universities, we should spare no effort in self-improvement.
Among the 8 evaluated categories, TKU graduates beat graduates of many national universities in “Teamwork” and “Stability and Perseverance”—ranking No. 4, and No. 5, respectively. As to the fields of entrepreneur, TKU graduates are rated most favorable in “Finance” and “Services”—both as No. 4, then in “High Tech Services” in the 5th place.
According to the survey, the entrepreneurs’ top three priorities in selecting employee are “flexibility and willingness to learn, ” “satiability and perseverance,” and “specialized knowledge and skills.” Lu Chih-fang, chief editor of Cheer magazine, points out that general job market mostly favor people with good working attitude, learning ability and stability. President C. I. Chang indicates that knowledge is evolving everyday, hence the objective of TKU’s education is not only to cultivate four years of field knowledge but also to nurture a good habit of learning, which is included in the management criteria of TQM and continuing improvement.
Among the 8 evaluated categories, TKU graduates beat graduates of other private universities in “flexibility and willingness to learn,” “satiability and perseverance,” “teamwork,” “ability to find solution,” “creativity,” and “comprehension,” which are all ranked No. 1. However, TKU graduates’ “specialized knowledge and skills” is ranked NO. 3, and “global world view and foreign language ability” No.2, second to Fu Jen Catholic University.
Responding to the social appreciation of TKU graduates, President Chang indicates that in TKU’s “three dimensions” and “five goals” of education, the school emphasizes the cultivation of students’ social relation and teamwork by offering variety of extracurricular activities. In the future, to enhance teamwork ability, it will be regulated that every student has to participate in at least one club in order to graduate, and require students to write group report in interdisciplinary courses. Improving studying atmosphere to strengthen student’s specialty, and substantiating remedial education to drill foreign language ability will be emphasized in the future.
Among the five major fields of enterprise, TKU graduates are rated most favorable in three fields. “High Tech Services” is for the first time to be ranked. President Chang interprets it as the result our information-oriented education. In addition to the bright performances of graduates from College of Science and College of Engineering, other graduates also engage themselves in interdisciplinary studies, hence, all graduates have multiple choices in job market. Lu Chih-fang, chief editor of Cheer magazine, indicates that the honor of winning entrepreneurs’ favor continuously for 13 years is the result of school’s lasting efforts and alumni’s recognition. He recommends students to prepare themselves for working earlier to reduce the shock when entering the job market. Founder Chang remarks that though the quantity of alumni is one of our privileges, we shall improve in placement assistance and cooperation with entrepreneurs, which are parts of the objectives for celebration our 60th anniversary. “All alumni associations should be mobilized,” he adds.
Huang Wei-chung, a freshman of Dept. of Transportation Management, expresses that he share the school honor and he attributes the success to the hard works of teachers and the variety of extracurricular activities provided by school. Chen Hsiao-han, a junior of Dept. of English, says that she is proud of the continuous No. 1 honor, which makes her feel confident with her future career, but she wishes the school to provide chances to practice in real working places before she graduates. ( ~Chen Chi-szu )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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