Led by Vice President Li-ming Fan, a delegation of 5 from Shandong University visited TKU on Dec. 10. After receiving the delegation, TKU International Affairs Vice President Wan-chin Tai, Dean of Academic Affairs Huan-chao Keh and the Director of the Office of International Exchanges and International Education Pei-wha Lee and others gave bulletin briefings at Ching-sheng International Conference Hall. Vice President Tai pointed out that TKU had had student exchange agreements with Fudan, Jilin, Zhejiang and Xiamen Universities, and this year Shandong University was added to the exchange list, hoping to have further cooperation. Vice President Li-ming Fan explained that Shandong University had had close exchanges with TKU in recent years. Next year Shandong University will invite related TKU scholars to take part in their conferences. The Chair of TKU’s Department of Chinese Shung-in Chang and the Chair of TKU’s Department of History Yueh Wang also proposed cooperation according to their unique departmental characteristics. As for Mainland students coming to study in Taiwan, Huan-chao Keh indicated that TKU would prepare recruiting brochures to attract excellent students to study here. Speaking future exchanges between the two universities, Vice President Tai expressed that many foreign students who had studied here had highly praised TKU. He hoped to strengthen bi-lateral relationships not only by exchanging more students but also by exchanging teachers for short term researches and academic conferences.( ~Dean X. Wang )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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