An exhibition to show the achievements on promoting the students clubs in local elementary and high schools, organized by Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section under the Tamkang’s office of Student Affairs, was held on the last day on 2008. “As an old saying goes “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” We hope all Tamkang students can learn to appreciate the chance to serve and help the others,” said Dr. Tai Wan-chin, Vice President for International Affairs during his remark on the opening of the exhibition.
During the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Dr. Tai first gave trophies to the representatives of those elementary and high schools who participated in the projects. Dr. Tai also gave certificates and trophies to several TKU students clubs for their efforts in helping young students promoting student clubs. These clubs include Chinese Zither Club, Tamkang Chorus, Speech Enhancement Society, Taekwondo Club, Gymnastics Club, Harmonica Club, Aerobic and Fitness Club, Earth Environmental Protection Club, Chung-De Cultural Education Society.
The opening ceremony was then followed by the dynamic dances, brought by members of Tamkang Recreational Activity Counseling Club, and the spectacular magic tricks brought by Magic Club. Last but not least, Taekwondo Club together with 30 elementary schools students, jointly performed taekwondo moves. “The taekwondo performance brought by young school children is really impressive,” said Chang Ya-ting, a junior in the Department of Mass Communication.
In the afternoon of the exhibition day, the organizers broadcasted the documentary film that recorded how Tamkang students help young students to establish student clubs. To serve as a sum up for the exhibition, a forum was held featuring with scholars in the field such as Chang Tung-miao, Section Chief of the Tainan University of Technology’s Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section, to give a speech on the true meaning of service-learning. ( ~Yeh Yun-kai )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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