The Information Processing Center has recently received a letter from the Ministry of Education, pointing out that there were about 14 cases of reported copyright violations from TKU IP on the Internet from August 1 to September 2, including 10 cases (71% of all cases) from the IP positions of the Colleges of Science and Engineering. Compared to that of last year, this is obviously on the rising because there were no such cases last year, but about 22 cases in all up to now this year. The Director of the Information Processing Center, Ming-da Huang has expressed that TKU has already blocked the IP’s of those who are reported to have violated copyrights and is actively investigating them. Those who have violated copyrights will be surely penalized according to university regulations. He has called on, “Don’t be penny-wise and leave a shameful stain mark in you life. You might have broken the civil law, the criminal law and university regulations when you download materials with P2P.”
Why the Colleges of Science and Engineering have most of the cases? Ming-da Huang has explained that compared to students from the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Business, students from the Colleges of Science and Engineering use computers much more often; thus, they are more likely to violate copyrights on the Internet. Student Counselor in charge of reward and penalty, Hui-chuan Chen of the Guidance Section has pointed out, “Among the convicted 12 cases, 95% are graduate students, and Department of Chemistry alone has 5 cases.” Acting Chair of the Department of Chemistry, Tzenge-lien Shih said, “We’ll enhance our management of the labs and inform our students not to illegally download materials from the Internet in labs.” Sophomore student Wei-jie Weng from the Department of Banking and Finance remarked, “I have now understood that it is quite easy to incautiously infringe upon the copyright; in the future I will be more careful to use the Internet.” ( ~Dean X. Wang )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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