In the most recent career survey, “2008 enterprises’ favorite private universities,” made by 1111 Job Bank between July 3 and 17, TKU is ranked on top one among the private universities.
According to the statistics of this survey, the ranked criteria of entrepreneur recruitment consideration are “academic performance” (46.12%), “professional recognition” (35.92%), and “reputation of graduated school” (28.16%). Among the entrepreneur’s principles to evaluate a school, the most important consideration is the specialty of the graduate, follows by the performance of former graduates in the company. President C. I. Chang remarks on this point that one of TKU’s three educational links is training on specialties. The solid training on field expertise guarantee the students’ success in finding a job. Besides, our alumni’s great professional performance is another point of recommendation for our young graduate.
As to the entrepreneur’s field preference, business management and finance ranks top (54.37%), follows by engineering and computer information (44.17%). Dr. Hu Yi-jen, Dean of College of Business, indicates that the related departments of TKU’s College of Business have developed for a long time and win lasting reputation. Our emphases on promoting professional skills and application and practice of theories have nurtured sundry distinguished business administrators. To keep track on the latest trends, we are up to establish “Center of Assistance for Certificate Examination” and “Finance Trade Simulating System” to train our students in real business practices and offer them a better chance in career hunting. ( ~Chen Chi-szu )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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