Department of Architecture held a ten-days “Workshop of Low Rise Sustainable Communities along River at Danhai New Town” on last Friday (Feb 7.) The convener invited famous architects, Dr. Shinohara Satoko, Chair of Institute of Architecture & Interior Design, Japan Women’s University, and Dr. Otsuki Toshio of Tokyo University of Science to be the instructors of the workshop. The convener Dr. Bee Kuang-chein, Assistant Professor of Dept. of Architecture, expressed, the workshop aims to incorporate “residence strategies” with “environmental concerns” to deal with the resident problems in Taiwan.
The participants include 74 TKU students, of undergraduate juniors and first year graduates of Dept. of Architecture, and 15 junior students of Japan Women’s University and Tokyo University of Science. The worship is divided into ten groups, and each group is to do researches on and then complete a design of an appointed communities along River at Danhai
. The activity aims to train the participants’ ability in cooperation, independent creativity, and problem-solving.
Their works will be evaluated on the next Monday morning (Feb. 17) and the models or design charts will be displayed in the courtyard of Dept. of Architecture. The architects, Peter and Mark Anderson, American representatives to join Venice Architecture Biennale, will bring 15 students of California College of Arts to visit TKU and join in the evaluation. Innovative architectural ideas are expected to be evoked through sharing opinions from different cultures, life styles, and languages. The exhibition will last until the end of March. Besides, Peter and Mark Anderson will prevent a speech,“Sustainable Design,” in Chung-ling Chemistry Hall, 4 P.M., March 18. ( ~Shelley Tang )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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