On March 20, 2008, President C. I. Chang was granted with a Honorable Ph.D. degree by Josai University in the graduation ceremony as a recognition of her achievement in the research and development of international education. Since TKU signed contract of international academic cooperation with Josai University in 1994, both schools has proceeded series of academic communication. Up to now, there are 200 junior abroad program participants and exchange students going to both schools for studies. Both universities have made landmark in creating global vision together.
In the reception address, President Chang indicates that according to her observation from the researches and practices of higher education, the problems in educational environment in Taiwan and in Japan are very similar, in that low birth rate and aging population, the democratization and liberalization in politics, and the economizing and enterprising of knowledge, and the competition in globalization and technology create new problems for education. To become a world-noted university in the 21st century, she adds, every university should locate one’s own target and develop related characteristic in the quality and achievement of higher education.
President C. I. Chang, took her master degree and Ph.D. in Educational Administration from Stanford University. Presently, she is Professor in Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Leadership, member of Board of Trustees of College Entrance Examination Center, and of Taiwan ICDF. She specializes in the Administration and Total Quality Management of Higher Education, with various publications of the related fields. She has solid administrative experiences in Tamkang University, including Vice President, and President, for 20 years, and devotes herself to the triple objectives of TKU, globalization, information-oriented, and future-oriented education.
The reception of the honorable degree was accompanied with Dr. Tai Wan-chin, Vice President for International Affairs, and Dr. Peng Chuen-yang, Chair of Department of Japanese. President Chang feels honored and warm for this honorable degree. She remarks that the objectives of Josai University—“fostering personality by learning,” “oneness of knowledge and devotion,” are in agreement with TKU’s educational mission—“Carrying on the heritage and paving the way for the future, establishing a new culture for society and nurturing talents with great souls”—and its educational objectives—“globalization, information-oriented education, and future-oriented education.” President Chang believes that by promoting further cooperation and communication, both universities will foster talents for the global society. ( ~Chen Chi-szu )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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