In a recent survey conducted by the Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development (OASRD) on TKU 2005 graduates about their views of their alma mater, it was found that most of them consider TKU’s Library Resources and Multi-media Learning Environment the most satisfactory. They scored a 4.36 and 4.16 on a 5-point Likert Scale respectively.
Besides the two factors mentioned above, the survey shows that Campus Security, and Teaching Equipment/Facilities have decent ranking (above 4 points). However, in terms of Student Dormitory Environment, graduates only gave it a mean score of 3.08, even though it is a figure that is better than those in previous years.
As of Teaching Quality, top five items that graduates found acceptable are “Good Professional Faculty Members” (3.94), “Faculty Members Can Answer Questions Competently and Carefully” (3.94), “Faculty Members Show Enthusiasm in Class” (3.84), “Faculty Members Respect Students’ Points of View” (3.82), and “Grading System is fair” (3.71). The item that got the lowest score is “Courses Conducted in English and Their After-Class Tutorial” (3.29).
When it comes to Counseling and Services, graduates gave 3.97 to “Convenience of Digitalized Administrative Services”, 3.90 to “Frequency and Variety of Student Clubs and Activities”, 3.80 to “Conducive Environment for Self-growth and Independent Learning”, and 3.76 to “Positive Interactions Between Students and Faculty Members.” On the other hand, graduates did not find “Two Student Advisers per Class Are Beneficial to College Life and Learning” and “University Places Strict Requirements on Students’ Performance” satisfactory. They received 3.16 and 3.23 respectively.
The survey also examines how satisfied these graduates had been towards their respective colleges at TKU before they left the university. All colleges received above 90% satisfaction. Interestingly, the College of Liberal Arts has the highest overall satisfactory rate (97.4%), and yet the lowest rate in terms of individual departments (84.2%). As of the case of the College of Technology (CT), the ratings are more even. They have above 90% rating in Individual Department and Faculty Qualification, but 82.9% in Career Prospect.
In terms of Individual Department Satisfaction, the College of Management scored the highest (87%), whereas the College of Foreign Languages and Literature the lowest (76.3%). And the CT received above 80% satisfactory rate in Career Prospect, the highest amongst all colleges.
( ~Ying-hsueh Hu )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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