In the administrative meeting last Friday, Min-nan Chen, Director of Office of Alumni Service and Resource Development (OASRD), reported on the results of the survey on the working conditions of TKU alumni (graduating in 2006) and business employers’ satisfaction with their performance, which reaches 88.2% in the category of “overall performance” 95% in “devotions” Besides these two indices, TKU alumni’s achievements in the aspects including the sense of responsibility, cooperativeness, use of information technology, active learning, efficiency and stability, and flexibility all win degree of recognition higher than 80%. 43.4% of the surveyed employers prefer TKU to other universities’ alumni. These results conform to the CHEERS’s survey on enterprises’ positive evaluation of TKU alumni in the aspects of “Team Spirit” and “Willing to Learn”, but show a difference in “Stability and Stamina” (79.8%). As to the criteria of hiring employees, 32.4% of the employers see “ Professional Knowledge and Skills” as the most important, and the percentage of satisfaction with TKU alumni in this category only reaches 75.5%, and 53.2%, the lowest, in “Foreign Language Skills”
OASRD started the survey since last October; 1101 questionnaires were distributed, and 34.5% of them were returned, a percentage higher than CHEERS’s 25.25%. Moreover, according to OASRD’s “survey on the satisfaction and working conditions of 94th academic year’s graduates” 55.1% of alumni are not working, mainly because of “master and doctoral studies” and “in or to be in military service” (80.8%). Till the end of February in 2007, more than half of 30.6% have taken jobs in the areas of technology, finance, insurance, military and civil service or national enterprise; the most commonly used channel of job hunting is banks of human resource (46.2%); the major consideration of choosing jobs is location, followed specialty and then personal interests; 85% favor the north of Taiwan. As to monthly salary, graduates are generally paid from 20,000 to 30,000, and M.A. and doctoral alumni are paid above 30,000. The surveyed persons include alumni graduating in the 93rd and 94th academic year. The percentage of return questionnaires is 29.7%. ( ~Han-yu Huang )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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