NO. 657


“The 18th College Tennis Challenge,” hosted by TKU Tennis Club, took place on October 15, and TKU team beat the other 8 teams and won back the championship.

The invited teams include Taiwan University, Tsing Hua University, Chiao Tung University, Aletheia University, Soochow University, Yuan Ze University, Central University, Chengchi University. In addition, the Tennis Club of Cheng Gung University attended as observer. TKU used to win three series championships, but recessed two times to the fourth place. TKU teammates felt especially sweet to regain the victory. In the final game, TKU got stuck with Central University, with rounds of tiring confrontation. Thank to the steadfastness of two teammates, Lin Ch’ien-hui, senior of Dept. of Finance, and Chiang Po-yu, a sophomore of Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, who buffet their pressure of the decisive game (both one win one lose), TKU team finally seize the championship.

The team instructor, Fan Chiang Yi-min, who just returned from her maternity leave, was sorry for not being able to accompany the teammates during the games, but expressed her appreciation of the teammates’ cooperation and forbearance in practicing in inferior conditions. Two years ago, the general ability of the club members was unstable. The present victory demonstrates the result of persistent practice. Club leader, Lin Yen-ju, a junior of Dept. of Transportation Management, indicated that the teammates for the game consisted of students from all years, and all of them sacrificed their vacations for joint practicing, which not only braced every member’s skill but released the “fault line” between different years. Nevertheless, Fan Chiang Yi-min encouraged all the team members to keep improving for perfection.

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