The Institute of Engineering Education, Taiwan will arrive TKU for a two day visit (October 16/17) for the accreditation of three of TKU’s departments in the College of Engineering. The departments concerned are Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Engineering, and Aerospace Engineering. Results of IEET’s visit will be announced at the end of year. Next year, three other departments of the same college will apply for similar accreditation and they are Departments of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Materials Engineering, and Architecture.
IEET is an organization set up in 2003, chartered by the Ministry of Education as well as the National Science Council. It is also the sole institute that carries out the accreditation of engineering and technology programs in Taiwan. Members in the organization are mainly the presidents, deans and senior professors of various national technology/engineering universities and institutes who are invited every year to examine engineering and technology programs in Taiwan.. Last year Chung Yuan Christian University was awarded with 7 accreditations, whereas Feng Chia University had three. This year, both universities have managed to have all their engineering and technology programs accredited.
There are many benefits by associating with IEET. Through them, Tamkang can hook up with other international accreditation agencies so that TKU can also win international recognition, which in turn, with the university all English environment, TKU can attract quite a few international students. This will definitely help TKU to enhance its international dimension. Furthermore, the professional certificates (be it in engineering or technology), acquired by our students from the IEET accredited disciplines, will get international recognition immediately. They are also eligible to apply for becoming an engineer or technician in the APEC region. (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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