The humanoid robot soccer players designed and created by a team from the Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE) have been adorned with top awards in the categories of Applications and Creativity of the Golden Silicon Awards organized by Macronix International Co.. For this achievement, the team received NT$ 330,000 prize money and wide recognition. These robots also won the team a third place in the FIFA RoboWorld Cup in July this year.
For the Golden Silicon Awards, Professor Wong Ching-Chang from the department led three of his students to compete with teams from other top universities such as National Taiwan University, National Ching-hwa University, and National Chen Kung University. Nonetheless, they still managed to stand out in some categories under such a fierce competition
Golden Silicon Awards is hosted and organized by Macronix International Co., a Taiwan-based semiconductor manufacture, every year, which aims at raising the creative spirit among university students. TKU has participated in this event for six consecutive years and apart from this year’s winning, the DEE also won big awards in the first and third year of their participation. . Prof. Wong sees their positive results over the years as a sign of encouragement and pledges to bring robotic research to a higher level. His positive attitude is unanimously shared by this year’s team members.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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