NO. 642


In order to celebrate the completion of Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium, TKU school authorities decide to name 2006 academic year as the Year of Sport. They will not only provide the wide space and first-rate facilities of the gymnasium to all the students and staff of TKU, but also formulate a series of sports contests and bodybuilding exercises. “I hope that every student and staff of TKU can have a good habit of exercise,” said Hsieh Hsing-chu, Director of Office of Physical Education.

Hsieh indicates that in the Year of Sport, she will promote the project of “One Person, One Sport” to the students and staff of TKU. Through the physical education, sports clubs, and sports contests, students can cultivate at least one sport he or she is good at, and have the good habit of regular exercise.

As for the staff, Staff Welfare Association and Female Staff Association will hold physical fitness, aerobics, and Tai Chi Chuan at some time. The Student Activity Center and tennis court will also open for the staff at certain time. Moreover, Hsieh points out that walking is a very good exercise, too. She hopes that everyone can choose a sport he or she likes and practice it abidingly in order to maintain health.

In addition, in the Year of Sport, apart from the original Sports Competition, Freshman Ball Games, and TKU Water Athletic held in the first semester, there will be a Pom-pom Girls Contest. As for the second semester, a new activity, President Cup Ball Games, will take place.

Office of Physical Education will also assist sports clubs and Alumni Associations of different departments to hold all kinds of contests. Each sports team of TKU can also sponsor the collegiate sports contests. TKU President Flora C. I. Chang said, “I hope that the staff of TKU can hold many sports activities, and student clubs and sports teams should invite other schools to join in friendship contests, so the gymnasium can be made good use of adequately.”

Hsieh also mentions that after the completion of the gymnasium, the teachers of physical education will have their own offices. At that time, the working and research environment of the staff will be improved. In addition, in order to popularize the teaching and studying of physical education in TKU, Office of Physical Education will invite experts and scholars to present speeches on special topics, and hold regional or national conference of physical education. The school authorities will also plan to establish related graduate institutes in the future, so the gymnasium can bring its function into full play. (~ Shu-chun Yen )

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