It’s spring in Europe, when trees are sprouting with tender green leaves and flowers are booming brazenly with all sort of bright colors, then it must be the high time to call on TKU’s existing and potential sister universities there. President, Dr. Flora Chang and her entourage will travel to four European countries between April 22 and May 4, stopping by at Charles University in Prague in the Czech Republic, University of Budapest in Hungary, the University of Vienna in Austria, Bristol University and the University of Edinburgh in the UK. Her entourage includes Dr. Feng Chao-kang, the Vice President for Academic Afffairs, Dr. Lin Jyh-horng, the Director of the Lanyang Campus, Dr. Chen Hwei-mei, the Director of the International Exchange and International Education, and Dr. Tzou Chong-ko, the Director of the Graduate Institute of European Studies.
During this trip, Dr. Flora Chang will not only return the invitation extended cordially by both the presidents of Charles University and the University of Vienna, she will also arrange meetings with TKU’s exchange students at these universities in order to understand more of their cross-cultural and academic experiences in foreign countries. (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1156