The “Forum for the 2005-2007 School Years Subsidies for the General Development of Private Universities” and “pan-collegiate assessment” commissioned by MOE to TKU, took place on February 20. 60 representatives from MOE and 24 private universities visited TKU and highly praised her achievements in globalization and digitalization, as well as her efficiency in managing TQM.
As TKU was graded the “The Best Private University” in Division One Evaluation by the MOE-commissioned “Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association” as, MOE chooses TKU as the emulating target for these two forums. The activities begin with President Chang’s briefing about the recent development of TKU, and follow by the tour guided by two Vice-Presidents to seven main facilities, including Chueh-Sheng Memorial Library, Foreign Languages and Literatures Building, Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center and Music Hall, Maritime Museum, Shao-Mo Natatorium complex, Ching-Sheng Plaza, and Palace-styled Path.
After the lunch gathering at Chueh-Sheng International Conference Hall, the participants attended round-table discussion at the same place. Dr. Chen Chin-shen, President of Chang Jung University, and Dr. Lin Pao-wen, Vice-President of Hsuan Chuang University, point out approvingly that newly-established universities have encountered the problems of retaining young professors and recruiting new students, and in these two aspects, TKU’s TQM and Academic Evaluation Systems are worthy of observation and emulation.
From the tour observation, many Deans of the Office of Academic Affairs and Directors of Researches and Development from other universities were impressed by the high administrative efficiency and student satisfaction rate. They praised the systems of academic and achievement evaluation, subsidy management, digitalized administrative process, and globalized development, and inquired the know-hows of them, which were responded in great details by TKU related administrators.
President C. I. Chang indicates that it is the time for each university to strive for ingenious distinction. Newly-established universities, without the historical burdens, can strive with more speed and concentrated energy. Though TKU attains more amount of students and subsidies than her young partners, she also has many weak points in the MOE-commissioned qualitative evaluation. In other words, every school has her own potential and limitation, and it is wise to gather together to find ways for cooperation. (~ Chen Chi-szu )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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