NO. 628


Tamkang became the only other university beside the National Changhwa University of Education to be awarded by the Ministry of Education for providing good counseling services on campus in 2005. This is in fact the second time that TKU has won with such a honor, with the first time being 3 years ago.

The Chief of the Counseling Section, Ms Hu Yen-wei explained why they had stood out among 84 universities and colleges this year. First of all, her team has completed altogether 3,034 hours of individual counseling, dealt with 74 difficult cases, and made more than 70 referrals for outpatient psychiatric treatment. They have also organized countless group therapy sessions for nearly 766 people, psychology tests for 5044 students and inter-university counseling forums for 314 professionals. On top of these, there have been several successful campaigns for issues relating to students’ life, heart and soul. Nearly all campaigns were well received.

The key that the Section is able to deliver these quality services is the supply of manpower. At the moment, there are 4 full-time, and 25 part-time teachers, who are all qualified and certified counselors. There is also one experienced and reliable psychiatrist in residence. Manpower aside, the Section has supplied free copies of manuals and booklets on issues regarding matters of healthy mind and body.

All the related forums and activities organized by the Section have been very popular among students for their vivid format, versatile and topical issues. Above all, the Section has computerized most of its work for better and more efficient management and supervision. These and its originality in organizing workshops such as the “Blue City” and the “Splitting up is not Losing Out” have ensured TKU a well-deserved award from MOE. (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )

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