Lin Zhi-ying, a sophomore of the History Department is a celebrity in his own right, even though he shot to fame by imitating a Korean singer and celebrity on a variety show on TV two weeks ago. With this TV exposure, he has become easily recognizable wherever he goes now, be it on or off campus. His popularity was well tested when he was recognized by an elderly lady, who strikes as an unlikely TV fan, while traveling on the MRT not too long ago. Lin, though a bit shy about his new-gained fame, is positive about the attention he is getting, for the celebrity he is often mixed up with, in his own wording, is at least a “decent guy.”
Lin, who is a member of the Tamkang Chorus Club, went on the Television, because his friends from the club nominated him as they see a uncanny resemblance between him and the Korean singer, and with his beautiful voice, it was not difficult at all to imitate the signer. Without letting his friends down, his look and performance won instant admiration from audiences all over. He is pleased with his star quality and thus does not eliminate the possibility of further pursuing entertainment business more seriously! (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1252