The Center of Resources for the Blind (CRFB) has compiled a user manual in braille written specifically for the visually impaired students so that they are able to learn about Msn, Skype, Telnet, Ftp or any other word files on Microsoft windows in their own pace in a systematic way.
Although the Center for R & D of TKU developed a special software for the computers used by visually impaired people years ago, it has not been able to publish an accompanying user guide due to a shortage of resources until now. So far, students have been taught the use of it on an ad-hoc basis rather than given a systematic view of the overall operation of the software. With the publication of the manual, these students will be able to touch, to feel and listen to mp3 files. They can practice repeatedly at home.
This manual was a group effort of Chang Jin-shuen, a computer engineer of the CRFB , Yeh Fung-huei, a professor and the Director for the Research Center of Applied Information, and Yu Yueh-shia, the The Blind and Visually Impaired Center of Monterey County, Inc, California, US. They put in years of hard work and careful thought to produce this essential document, which can enhance the life of many people. The first 1000 copies will be donated to the 2005 computer training class for the visually impaired organized by the Ministry of Education and free copies are also available to whoever is interested. Please call (02) 26293337 for details. (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1250