This year is the 600th anniversary of the sea adventure of Cheng Ho, San-Bao Eunuch of Ming Dynasty. An exhibition of the model treasury ship of Cheng Ho’s sea adventure, Cheng Ho’s wax stature and collections from other institutions is held at the second floor of Maritime Museum. Teachers and students are all welcome to understand this historical great figure’s achievements.
According to Chiu Ruey-ling of Maritime Museum, the exhibited model treasury ship was donated by Tamkang’s alumni Huang Tien-chung at Tamkang’s anniversary on November 8, 1990; the ship---120 cm in length, 55 cm in breadth, and 80 cm in height---was made in China, an accurate miniature of the original, more vivid with Cheng Ho’s stature.
According to Maritime Museum, Cheng Ho’s sea adventure was carried out with about 200 ships, including treasury ships, horse ships, food ships, water ships, battle ships, and so on. Cheng himself was seated in a treasury ship directing the whole legion, the largest one in the world at that time. The name “treasury ship” came from its economic responsibility of carrying treasures from China in exchange of treasures from Southeast Asia and, therefore, promoting economic exchange between China and the West, which also registered its great historical achievement. ( Han-yu Huang )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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