A series of activities and exhibitions in the Week of Liberal Arts will unveil in the next five days from today (March 14th) onwards. This year’s organizer, the Department of Information and Library Science (ILS), oversees events in three categories: Libraries, Multi-media and Publishing, which are all under the theme of The Richness of Pictures and Words” that symbolizes an intimate dialog between liberal arts and social sciences. In this week, you will see the finest results from the students and faculty of the college in the past year. The head of the departmental association, Chang Suan-han, is hopeful that this week’s activities serve as the best showcase for what his fellow students and the faulty members are capable of.
The opening ceremony is scheduled to take place at the Fu Yen Chinese Garden at 10:30 am today, presided by Dr. Flora Chang, Dr. Feng Chao-Kang and Chao Ya-ly the dean of the College of Liberal Arts. The main exhibition venue, the Exhibition Hall of the Business Administration Building will display students’ works from the five departments of the college. Chinese Department will put the creative fictions written in the genre of Chinese chivalry novels (Kung-fu type) and ghost stories on show. Department of ILS will exhibit homemade posters, self-design web pages, on-line teaching manuals and assorted short films on student life. Department of Information and Communication will provide art photography, samples of web page design, computer animation and on-line games. Department of Mass Communication will show pictures of TV stations and their studios in action, e-journals and theses. Finally, The Department of History will exhibit works on Taiwan history introducing monuments from all parts of Taiwan.
In addition, there will be a book and music fair on the Poster Street intercepted with quiz contests at noon. Winners will receive presents. (Ying-hsueh Hu)
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1215