NO. 559


The 89th TKU Administration Meeting was held last Friday (Dec. 26) and was presided over by President Chang Horng-jinh. In this meeting, the motion of establishing a new section to deal with student accommodation specifically was passed. This section will be under the Office of Student Affairs and is to be in charge of the management of and assistance to students who live on or outside campus. Although the section will only be formally set up in 2004 academic year, for ensuring a continuity of operation, a preparatory committee will be installed next semester already to begin the important tasks at hand.

Dean of Office of Student Affairs, Chiang Ding-an emphasizes the necessity of such a special section. He believes that with the huge number of students, which amounts to 3,600 in total, residing in Sung-tao Hall and Tsu-chiang Hall for female students, as well as Tamkang Garden and Tam-Hai Garden for male students, the daily business of addressing these students’ needs is daunting. His office not only needs to manage the hard-ware, which is the physical condition of the resident halls, but also to master the soft-ware part of running them, which include possessing data on current rental market in Tamsui, together with occasional inspection, future planning and above all, some guidance to students. Therefore, establishment of a special section is inevitable.

Furthermore, President Chang pointed out in the meeting that TKU fell short of fulfilling the quota set by the Ministry of Education in terms of the ratio, which is 5:1, between the enrolled students in total and those who reside in university resident halls. Due to the shortage of university property, TKU will have to lease private residence for students in order to meet that quota in the near future.

TKU will man the new section with a section chief and 7 staff members. They will be in charge of at least 19 categories of work, which contain, apart from usual business of management and guidance, emergency service when diseases occur or other types of urgency; guidance and evaluation of courses on accommodation service; evacuation training; and management of student data. The new section will also draw contracts, provide legal as well emergency services, print prospectus and internet webpage/links for house rental. Seminars on dialogue between landlords and students as well as housing fairs are also on the agenda of the new section.

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