NO. 557


The Class Leaders Meeting hosted by University president Dr. Horng-jinh Chang was held at Chueh-sheng Conference Room last Friday. President Chang had related Departments and Offices respond to questions previously raised by class leaders; he also commented on current issues that included appropriate netiquette, high rent for the Tamkang Garden, and the fire that burned the building for student associations.

The president made suggestions for posting messages on the intranet. He believed that posting inappropriate messages on the intranet will harm the university’s reputation, for it will give a bad impression to industrial-commercial sectors and society in general; and eventually, it will also affect the job-hunting for TKU graduates in the near future. He suggested, instead of spreading criticism over the intranet, students should take their concerns to the related Departments and Offices.

President Chang added that students must enjoy the freedom of speech following regulations and laws; one must pay the price for violating a law. He indicated that he reads articles on BBS regularly, though having little time to respond to them. He also expressed his distress when reading articles that showed no respect to teachers.

As to the issue regarding the high rent for Tamkang Garden, president Chang remarked that its original purpose was to solve freshmen’s troubles in finding apartments off campus. Currently, no changes will be applied to the rent due to the high quality of its facilities.

The president also expressed his concern with the fire at the former student associations building this summer. He indicated that the police have focused on one suspect, an old man in his sixties who often fooled around the campus. This old man raises more than ten wandering dogs at Li-ba University Community. Having been bothered by the noise made by those dogs during midnight, students reported to the police. This old man blamed the students since the police unleashed all his dogs. The president promised to secure the campus by continuing to pursue the criminal.

Once again, the president urged students not to ride motorcycles to school to help solve the parking problem. He reminded students, “not to ride or to take a ride,” for the sake of safety.

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