NO. 555


The Second International Conference on Ecological Discourse, hosted by the Department of English, will be held at the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall and Ching-sheng International Conference Hall respectively on Dec. 5th and 6th. This conference will continue to discuss the core issues that were set out in its previous meeting three years ago which were the relationship between Taiwan and global ecology, promotion of eco-literature in Taiwan, and a critical examination of main stream ecological studies. Furthermore, there will be new issues such as exploring and developing eco-literature as well as ecology. Founder Clement C.P. Chang and President Chang Horng-jinh will be there at the conference on the 5th to preside over the opening ceremony.

This conference is divided into three main themes. The first is “Ecological Imagination in Literature, Arts or/and Films” in which the language or contents of poetry, plays, science-fiction and literature of aborigines of various periods and countries will be investigated in order to establish how ecology or nature has been portrayed. The second theme is “Ecology and Theories”. It will examine traditional ecological concepts critically from the perspectives of post-modern literature, scientific theories, theology or feminism. Through this criticism there will be reflection upon, and thus a re-evaluation of ecological theories based on humanity. Lastly, the third theme is “Taiwan’s Ecological Issues” which will address the handling of toxic waste, extinction of species, rights of various racial groups, urban ecology, water ecology, wetland and nuclear safety and other related issues.

Professor Patrick Murphy from the University of Central Florida, U.S.A and Professor Robyn Eckersley from University of Melbourne, Australia will be giving keynote speeches. Other overseas scholars from the U.S. include Professor Ursula Heise from Columbia University, Professor Joni Adamson from University of Arizona, South, Professor Lina Cupta from Glendale Community College and Profressor Jia-yi Cheng-Levine from Houston-Downtown University. In addition there will be Professor Paul Cilliers from the University of Stellenbosch of South Africa, Professor Dong-oh Choi from Chungnam National University of Korea, Professor Katsunori Yamazato from University of the Ryukyus of Japan, Professor Susana Andres, Professor Estela Sacristan from University of Buenos Aires of Argentina, Professor Rosaleen Love from Monash University, and Professor Liana Christensen from University of Murdoch of Australia.

Scholars from TKU who will present papers at the conference are Professors Chen Ji-shih, Tsai Chen-hsin, Yang Ming-tu and Yu Liang. Scholars from other universities such as Cheng-kung, Chung-hsin, Sun Yet-san, Dong-hwa, Chinese Culture, Taitung, Hsuan-chuan, and Providence will also attend. There will be 250 scholars in total presenting 38 papers.

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