The result of the application of teachers’ research grants has come out: 148 teachers applied for the first type, and 130 were granted; 51 proposed 98 pieces, and 45’s 92 pieces were granted. 131 were granted the total money of NT$19,600,000. The name list of grantees has been post on the home page of the Office of Personnel.
According to Vice President for Academic Affairs Feng Chao-kang, in comparison with 118 receiving research grant of NT$17,650,000, this year’s grant is much higher, far exceeding the original budget, which indicates that TKU’s encouragement of teachers’ academic researches has functioned effectively. In order to encourage teachers’ academic researches, TKU has made rules for teachers’ application for research grant. The first category concerns the applications with the articles published in academic journals; after the screening procedure, professors can receive NT$140,000 , associate professors NT$120,000, assistant professors NT$100,000, and lecturers NT$80,000. The second category concerns the applications with the articles for the first category published in the academic journals listed in the international indexes of A&HCI, SSCI, SCI, and EI; each applicant can submit three pieces at most; after the screening procedure, each piece can be granted NT$30,000. Therefore, professors can receive NT$230,000 at most, associate professors NT$210,000, and assistant professors NT$190,000.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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